My life at the moment:
Work, work, work, work.
Write, write, write...
What the heck am I doing with my life?! What is a dissertation? Can I write a dissertation? What have I gotten myself into?
Work, work, work work.
Research, read, think, plan, outline.
Write, write, edit, revise, write some more.
Pack a box. Ship a box to California.
I leave in 3 weeks! 3 weeks!!! I will never get this dissertation done in that time! I am leaving Ireland, I do not want to go! I am going back to California. Where am I going to live? I am broke. How will I pay for food? Where will I work? What will the next adventure look like? Can I handle another adventure? What am I doing with my life?!
Work. Work. Work.
Watch a film. Watch the commentary. Take notes.
Write. Write. Write.