01 September 2012


. . . is the word of the moment.

I cannot believe that I am already leaving Ireland. A year has gone by so fast.
This has been a crazy, fun, trying, lonely, new friend-filled year.
I have learned a lot both academically and personally. I have learned so much about who I am as a person. I have learned a lot about how I deal with tough times. I have learned so much about literature and how to look at and think about literature.

This year spent in Ireland really has been a life-changing, dream-come-true sort of year, no matter how cliche that sounds. To get to see and experience these places I have always dreamt of going has been amazing. There is so much more I want to experience, it hurts to leave. I feel like I am tearing myself away and such a big part of me will stay here.

But with all this melancholy at departing, there is so much excitement to return. To start with I am over the moon with excitement to have one last travelling hoorah and get to spend time with a lovely friend who has just moved to New York. I have never spent time in New York and always wanted to, and to get to do it with a "local" will be amazing. The perfect welcome back to the States, and a final adventure before returning home. I am excited.

There is so much that I have missed about California, most of all my lovely friends, family, and community. I am not, however, looking forward to the weather, despite what everyone in Ireland says. I have come to adore the rain. I love stepping outside and not knowing what weather I will be stepping into...sometimes it's sunny, sometimes it's overcast, ok most of the time it's overcast, and at some point in the day, you know there will be rain. I love that variety. And I have gotten used to the cooler temperatures, the fact that when it is 15C/60F I am outside without a sweater, basking in the warmth. In my previous life I would have been putting a sweater on about then. I fear I will melt in the California sun. There will definitely be some re-adjusting to do. Cultural re-adjustment as well, I have a feeling. I will miss the pub lifestyle, to stop in, have a seat, have a pint, have a conversation, I have met such interesting people throughout the year, I love it. I'll miss the crazy Irish accents and way of speaking...I will miss the grand craic with your man that happens here :-)

So, I will make the most of these last few days, trying to fit as much of Ireland in my suitcases as I can, and eating up the experiences I have left. This has been a landmark year. There have been some serious struggles and challenges, but I am so glad that I took a risk, took a step, and came. I will never be the same.

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